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應(yīng)急物資儲備配置的公開招標公告 ******月***日 18:06 【】 contentTable 公告概要: 公告信息: 采購項目名稱 應(yīng)急物資儲備配置 品目 采購單位 ***市浦***區(qū)應(yīng)急管理局 ***區(qū)域 ***市 公告時間 ******月***日 18:06 獲取招標文件*** ******月***日至******月***日 每日上午:00:00 至 00-12:00:00 下午:12:00 至 00-23:59:59(北京時間,法定節(jié)假日除外) 招標文件*** ¥0 獲取招標文件*** ***市政府采購網(wǎng) 開標時間 ******月***日 14:00 開標地點 上海政府采購網(wǎng)(云采交易平臺) 預(yù)算金額***.82***元(人民幣) 聯(lián)系人及聯(lián)系方式: 項目聯(lián)系人***項目聯(lián)系電話 ***995 采購單位 ***市浦***區(qū)應(yīng)急管理局 采購單位*** ***路520號 采購單位*** *** 代理機構(gòu)*** *** 代理機構(gòu)*** ***市***區(qū)***路1565***樓 代理機構(gòu)*** ***995 contentTable 項目概況 Overview 應(yīng)急物資儲備配置招標項目的潛在投標人應(yīng)在***市政府采購網(wǎng)獲取招標文件,并于******月***日 14:00(北京時間)前遞交投標文件。 Potential bidders for Emergency materials reserve should obtain the tender documents from (http***gov.cn)and submit the bid document before 14th 10 2024 at 14.00pm(Beijing time) . 一、項目基本情況 1. Basic Information 項目編號***No.:***7-*** 項目名稱:應(yīng)急物資儲備配置 Project Name:Emergency materials reserve 預(yù)算編號***預(yù)算金額***元( 國庫資***元;自***元 ) Budget Amount(Yuan):***( National Treasury Funds: *** Yuan; Self-raised Funds: 0 Yuan ) 最高限價*******元 Maximum Price(Yuan):Package No.1 for ***.00 Yuan, 采購需求: Procurement Requirements: 包名稱:應(yīng)急物資儲備配置 Package Name:Emergency materials reserve 數(shù)量:1 Quantity:1 預(yù)算金額*****.00 Budget Amount(Yuan):***.00 簡要規(guī)格描述或項目基本概況介紹、用途:詳見采購需求書 Brief specification description or basic overview of the project:For details, see the purchase demand book 合同履約期限:本項目供貨期為***日歷天 The Contract Period:20 -day calendar to complete the supply 本項目(否)接受聯(lián)合體投標。 Joint Bids: (NO)Available. 二、申請人的資格要求 2. Qualification Requirements for Bidder (a)滿足《中華人民共和國政府采購法》第二十二條規(guī)定; (a)Meet the provisions of Article 22 of the "Government Procurement Law of the People"s Republic of China"; (b)落實政府采購政策需滿足的資格要求:1.滿足《中華人民共和國政府采購法》第二十二條規(guī)定; 2.落實政府采購政策需滿足的資格要求:(1)落實預(yù)留份額措施,提高中小企業(yè)在政府采購中的份額,扶持中小企業(yè)政策:本項目是專門面向中小企業(yè)采購,評審時中小企業(yè)產(chǎn)品均不執(zhí)行價***。(2)殘疾人福利性單位,并將其視同小微型企業(yè)。 (3)優(yōu)先采購節(jié)能環(huán)保產(chǎn)品政策:在技術(shù)、服務(wù)等指標同等條件下,對財政部財庫〔2019〕18號和財政部財庫〔2019〕19號文公布的節(jié)能環(huán)保產(chǎn)品品目清單中的產(chǎn)品實行優(yōu)先采購;對節(jié)能產(chǎn)品品目清單中以“★”標注的產(chǎn)品,實行強制采購。供應(yīng)商須提供具有國家確定的認證機構(gòu)***、處于有效期之內(nèi)的認證證書方能享受優(yōu)先采購或強制采購政策;(4)購買國貨政策:本項目不接受進口產(chǎn)品。 (b)Qualification requirements to be met to implement government procurement policies:(b)Qualification requirements to be met to implement government procurement policies:Promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, facilitate employment for people with disabilities, etc (c)本項目的特定資格要求:(1)符合《中華人民共和國政府采購法》第二十二條的規(guī)定; (2)未被“信用中國”(www***)、中國政府采購網(wǎng)(www***)列入失信被執(zhí)行人、重大稅收違法案件當事人名單、政府采購嚴重違法失信行為記錄名單; (3)須系我國境內(nèi)依法設(shè)立的法人或非法人組織(本項目(接受/不接受)***以自己名義參加采購活動); (4)投標人應(yīng)在所在地縣級以上***市場監(jiān)督管理部門完成預(yù)包裝食品銷售備案; (5)本項目不允許轉(zhuǎn)包。 (c)Specific qualification requirements for this program:(1) In accordance with Article 22 of the "Government Procurement Law of the People"s Republic of China"; (2) It has not been "www***) and the Chinese government procurement network (www*** cn) List of the list of parties to the dishonesty, the list of major tax violation cases, and the list of serious illegal trustworthy behavior records of the government procurement; Participate in procurement activities); (4) Bidders must have a qualified and effective food business license filing; (5) this project is not allowed to transfer. (i)符合《中華人民共和國政府采購法》第二十二條的規(guī)定; (i)Comply with the provisions of Article 22 of the"Government Procurement Law of the People"s Republic of China"; (ii)未被“信用中國”(www***)、中國政府采購網(wǎng)(www***)列入失信被執(zhí)行人、重大稅收違法案件當事人名單、政府采購嚴重違法失信行為記錄名單; (ii)Not included in the list of dishonest persons subject to enforcement, the list of parties to major tax violation cases, or the list of records of serious illegal and dishonestacts in government procurement by "Credit China" (www***), China Government Procurement Network (www***) ; 三、獲取招標文件 3. Acquisition of Tender Documents 時間:******月***日至******月***日,每天上午***,下午***(北京時間,法定節(jié)假日除外) Time: Tender documents may be obtained between 00:00:00am to 23:59:59pm from ******月***日 until 25th 09 2024.(Beijing time, excluding statutory holidays) 地點:***市政府采購網(wǎng) Place: www*** 方式:網(wǎng)上獲取 To Obtain: Online Purchase 售價*** Price of Tender Documents(Yuan):0 四、提交投標文件截止時間***、開標時間和地點 4. Bid Submission 提交投標文件截止時間***:******月***日 14:00(北京時間) Deadline date submission of bids:14th 10 2024 at 14.00pm(Beijing Time) 投標地點:上海政府采購網(wǎng)(云采交易平臺)(投標人如參加現(xiàn)場開標,開標地點(***市浦***區(qū)***路598號(浦***區(qū)應(yīng)急管理局***路保障基地),現(xiàn)場開標過程全稱錄影錄像,如投標人參與現(xiàn)場開標,開標所需攜帶其他材料:屆時請供應(yīng)商代表持提交投標文件時所使用的數(shù)字證書(CA證書)及備用紙質(zhì)投標文件前來參加開標,另請自帶可無線上網(wǎng)的筆記本一臺(筆記本電腦應(yīng)提前確認是否瀏覽器設(shè)置、CA證書管理器下載等,確保和CA證書匹配可以正常登陸上海政府采購網(wǎng))。備用紙質(zhì)投標文件遞交投標文件地址:***市浦***區(qū)***路598號(浦***區(qū)應(yīng)急管理局***路保障基地),投標人紙質(zhì)文件僅做歸檔使用,不做強制要求。) Place of submission of bid documents:Shanghai Government Procurement Network (Yuncai Trading Platform) (If the bidder participated in the on -site bid, the bid opening location (No. 598 Hou Rui Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai) (Pudong New District Emergency Management Bureau Hourui Road Security Base), the full name video video of the on -site bid opening process, If the bidder participates in the on -site bid opening, the bid opening needs to bring other materials: then please ask the supplier representative to hold the digital certificate (CA certificate) and backup paper bidding documents when submitting the bidding document. A notebook on the Internet (the laptop should be confirmed in advance whether the browser settings, the CA certificate manager download, etc. to ensure that the matching with the CA certificate can be available on the Shanghai government procurement network). No. 598 Hangrui Road in the New District (Hangrui Road Security Base, Pudong New Area Emergency Management Bureau) 開標時間:******月***日 14:00 Time of Bid Opening*** 開標地點:上海政府采購網(wǎng)(云采交易平臺) Place of Bid Opening:http***gov.cn 五、公告期限 5. Notice Period 自本公告發(fā)布之日起5個工作日。 5 business days from the date of publication of this tender notice. 六、其他補充事宜 6. Other Supplementary Matters / / 本項目為預(yù)留采購份額采購項目,預(yù)留采購份額措施為整體預(yù)留 This project is a reserved procurement share procurement project, and the reserved procurement share measure is overall reservation 七、對本次采購提出詢問,請按以下方式聯(lián)系 7. Contact Details (a)采購人信息 (a)Purchasers 名 稱:***市浦***區(qū)應(yīng)急管理局 Name:Emergency Administration of Pudong New District, Shanghai 地 址:***路520號 Address:ying hun road 520 聯(lián)系方式:*** Contact Information:*** (b)采購代理機構(gòu)*** (b)Procurement Agency 名 稱:*** Name:Shanghai Municipal Engineering Construction Company 地 址:***市***區(qū)***路1565***樓 Address:jiaotong road 1565 聯(lián)系方式:***995 Contact Information:***995 (c)項目聯(lián)系方式 (c)Project Contact 項目聯(lián)系人***Contact:/ 電 話:***995 Tel:;***995 本公告信息如有中、英文不一致,以中文為準。 The English translation of this document is for reference only, and the Chinese version shall be authentic and prevail in case of dispute. vF_detail_content_container



