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***排水管網養(yǎng)護及清淤項目的競爭性磋商公告 Competitive Negotiation Notice for Sewerage Network Maintenance and Dredging Project in 2024 *** 發(fā)布時間:2024-10-21 22 Source:*** Release time:2024-10-21 Views:22 項目概況 Overview ***排水管網***購文件,并于******月***日 13:00(北京時間)前提交響應文件。 Potential Suppliers for Sewerage Network Maintenance and Dredging Project in 2024 should obtain the procurement documents from (Shanghai Municipal Government Procurement Network) and submit response documents before 06th 11 2024 at 13.00pm(Beijing time). 一、項目基本情況 1. Basic Information 項目編號***No.: ***0-*** 項目名稱:***排水管網養(yǎng)護及清淤項目 Project Name: Sewerage Network Maintenance and Dredging Project in 2024 預算編號*** No.: 1524-W***4 采購方式:競爭性磋商 Procurement method : competitive consultation 預算金額***元(國***元;自籌資***元) Budget Amount(Yuan): ***(National Treasury Funds: 0 Yuan; Self-raised Funds: *** Yuan) 最高限價*******元 Maximum Price(Yuan): Package No.1 for ***.00 Yuan, 采購需求: Procurement Requirements: 包名稱:***排水管網養(yǎng)護及清淤項目 Package Name: Sewerage Network Maintenance and Dredging Project in 2024 數量:1 Quantity: 1 預算金額*****.00 Budget Amount(Yuan): ***.00 簡要規(guī)則描述:排水管網在運行中會出現淤泥淤積等情況,為防止其影響正常的排水功能,保障排水設施安全運行,需進行日常的養(yǎng)護管理,***鎮(zhèn)管***道、污水管、雨水截污納管二期***區(qū)排水管網、窨井的日常運行養(yǎng)護。合計排***道36342.6米,雨水口1050座,窨井752座。 Brief Specification Description: The drainage network may become clogged with sediment during operation, so it is necessary to carry out regular maintenance and management to prevent it from affecting normal drainage functions and ensuring the safe operation of drainage facilities. This includes the daily operation and maintenance of drainage pipes, manholes, and rainwater inlets on municipal roads, sewage pipes, and rainwater sewage pipes in Phase 2 of the project area. A total of 36,342.6 meters of drainage pipes, 1,050 rainwater inlets, and 752 manholes are involved. 合同履約期限:一年,具體以簽訂合同為準 The Contract Period: One year, specifically as per the signed contract. 本項目(否)接受聯(lián)合體投標。 Joint Bids: (NO)Available. 二、申請人的資格要求 2. Qualification Requirements for Suppliers (a)滿足《中華人民共和國政府采購法》第二十二條規(guī)定; (a)Meet the provisions of Article 22 of the "Government Procurement Law of the People"s Republic of China"; (b)落實政府采購政策需滿足的資格要求:1、符合《中華人民共和國政府采購法》第二十二條規(guī)定的供應商。 2、根據《***市政府采購供應商登記及誠信管理辦法》已登記入庫的供應商。 3、其他資格要求: 3.1 本項目面向中小企業(yè)(含中型、小型,下同)采購。 3.2 本項目不接受聯(lián)合體形式響應。 3.3未被列入《信用中國網站》(www***)失信被執(zhí)行人名單、重大稅收違法案件當事人名單和“中國政府采購網”(www***)政府采購嚴重違法失信行為記錄名單。 (b)Qualification requirements to be met to implement government procurement policies: 1. Suppliers that meet the requirements of Article 22 of the Government Procurement Law of the People"s Republic of China. 2. Suppliers who have been registered in the supplier database under the Shanghai Government Procurement Supplier Registration and Integrity Management Method. 3. Other eligibility requirements: 3.1 This project is targeted at small and medium-sized enterprises (including medium-sized and small enterprises). 3.2 This project does not accept a joint bid. 3.3 Suppliers who are not listed on the "Credit China Website" (www***) as defaulters, major tax law violators, and those with serious government procurement violations and fraudulent behavior on the "China Government Procurement Website" (www***) are eligible to participate. (c)本項目的特定資格要求:1、符合《中華人民共和國政府采購法》第二十二條規(guī)定的供應商。 2、根據《***市政府采購供應商登記及誠信管理辦法》已登記入庫的供應商。 3、其他資格要求: 3.1 本項目面向中小企業(yè)(含中型、小型,下同)采購。 3.2 本項目不接受聯(lián)合體形式響應。 3.3未被列入《信用中國網站》(www***)失信被執(zhí)行人名單、重大稅收違法案件當事人名單和“中國政府采購網”(www***)政府采購嚴重違法失信行為記錄名單。 (c)Specific qualification requirements for this program: 1. Suppliers that meet the requirements of Article 22 of the Government Procurement Law of the People"s Republic of China. 2. Suppliers who have been registered in the supplier database under the Shanghai Government Procurement Supplier Registration and Integrity Management Method. 3. Other eligibility requirements: 3.1 This project is targeted at small and medium-sized enterprises (including medium-sized and small enterprises). 3.2 This project does not accept a joint bid. 3.3 Suppliers who are not listed on the "Credit China Website" (www***) as defaulters, major tax law violators, and those with serious government procurement violations and fraudulent behavior on the "China Government Procurement Website" (www***) are eligible to participate. (i)符合《中華人民共和國政府采購法》第二十二條的規(guī)定; (i)Comply with the provisions of Article 22 of the"Government Procurement Law of the People"s Republic of China"; (ii)未被“信用中國”(www***)、中國政府采購網(www***)列入失信被執(zhí)行人、重大稅收違法案件當事人名單、政府采購嚴重違法失信行為記錄名單; (ii)Not included in the list of dishonest persons subject to enforcement, the list of parties to major tax violation cases, or the list of records of serious illegal and dishonestacts in government procurement by "Credit China" (www***), China Government Procurement Network (www***) ; 三、獲取采購文件 3. Acquisition of Procurement Documents 時間:******月***日至******月***日,每天上午***,下午***(北京時間,法定節(jié)假日除外) Time: Tender documents may be obtained between 00:00:00am to 23:59:59pm from 22th 10 2024 until 29th 10 2024.(Beijing time, excluding statutory holidays) 地點:***市政府采購網 Place: Shanghai Municipal Government Procurement Network 方式:網上獲取 To Obtain: Obtain online. 售價*** Price of Tender Documents(Yuan): 0 四、響應文件提交 4. Submission of Response Documents 截止時間***:******月***日 13:00(北京時間) Deadline date submission: 06th 11 2024 at 13.00pm(Beijing Time) 地點:***市浦***區(qū)***路1801號301會議室 Place: Room 301 Conference Room, Building 1801, East Jing Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 五、響應文件開啟 5. Opening of Response Documents 開啟時間:******月***日 13:00(北京時間) Time of Response Documents Opening: 06th 11 2024 at 13.00pm(Beijing Time) 地點:***市浦***區(qū)***路1801號301會議室 Place: Room 301 Conference Room, Building 1801, East Jing Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 六、公告期限 6. Notice Period 自本公告發(fā)布之日起3個工作日。 3 business days from the date of publication of this notice. 七、其他補充事宜 7. Other Supplementary Matters 1、根據***市財政局《關于***市政府采購信息管理平臺招投標系統(tǒng)正式運行的通知》(滬財采[2014]27號)的規(guī)定,本項目采購相關活動在電子采購平臺(網址:www***)電子招投標系統(tǒng)進行。供應商應根據《***市電子政府采購管理暫行辦法》等有關規(guī)定和要求執(zhí)行。供應商在電子采購平臺的有關操作方法可以參照電子采購平臺中的“在線服務”專欄的有關內容和操作要求辦理。 1. According to the regulations of the Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau"s Notice on the Official Operation of Shanghai Government Procurement Information Management Platform and Bidding System (Shanghai Municipal Finance Purchase [2014] No. 27), the relevant activities of this project"s procurement will be conducted on the electronic procurement platform (website: www***) electronic bidding system. Suppliers shall comply with the relevant provisions and requirements of the Interim Measures for Electronic Government Procurement in Shanghai and other relevant regulations. The operation methods of suppliers on the electronic procurement platform can be handled according to the relevant contents and operation requirements of the "Online Services" column on the platform. 本項目為預留采購份額采購項目,預留采購份額措施為整體預留 This project is a reserved procurement project, and the reserved procurement quota measure is a total reserve. 八、凡對本次招標提出詢問,請按以下方式聯(lián)系 8. Contact Details (a)采購人信息 (a)Purchasers 名 稱:***市浦***區(qū)***鎮(zhèn)人民政府 Name: Shanghai Pudong New Area GaoXing Town Government 地 址:***市浦***區(qū)***路1801號 Address: No. 1801, Dongjing Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 聯(lián)系方式:*** Contact Information***(b)采購代理機構*** (b)Procurement Agency 名 稱:*** Name: Sichuan Tongchuang Construction Engineering Management Co., Ltd. 地 址:***市浦***區(qū)***鎮(zhèn)***路111弄4號103室 Address: Room 103, Building 4, Huibeili Road 111, Huinan Town, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 聯(lián)系方式:***841 Contact Information: ***841 (c)項目聯(lián)系方式 (c)Project Contact 項目聯(lián)系人***: 劉琪 Contact: / 電 話:***841 Tel: ***841 本公告信息如有中、英文不一致,以中文為準。 The English translation of this document is for reference only, and the Chinese version shall be authentic and prevail in case of dispute.



