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供應商服務協(xié)議 尊敬的平臺使用者:    華新水泥供應商管理系統(tǒng)網上招投標平臺(以下簡稱招投標平臺)***設立,致力于為用戶提供包括但不限于電子招投標等信息化服務。您可以通過http***em.com/#/ 訪問該平臺。    如果您有意使用招投標平臺,請在進行訪問、注冊和使用前,務必仔細閱讀本協(xié)議。如您對協(xié)議有任何疑問,歡迎與平臺取得聯(lián)系。如您未提出疑問,我們將視為您已充分理解并接受本協(xié)議的全部內容。 一、【協(xié)議總則】    1.***共同締結,本協(xié)議具有合同效力。    2.用戶注冊成功后,該用戶賬號和密碼由用戶負責保管;用戶應當對以其用戶賬號進行的所有活動及其后果承擔負法律責任,由此所產生的一切糾紛均與平臺無關。    3.除另行明確聲明外,***的統(tǒng)一招投標平臺,***及關聯(lián)單位***,具體交易雙方應承擔各自在交易中的責任和義務。如果用戶不同意本協(xié)議的約定,用戶應立即停止注冊程序或停止使用華新水泥供應商管理系統(tǒng)網上招投標平臺服務。用戶在完全同意本協(xié)議及本站規(guī)定的情況下,方有權使用本站的相關服務。 二、【條款承認】 1. 本協(xié)議解釋的條款及條件(以下簡稱"條款")是利用招標平臺的服務給用戶,條款適用本協(xié)議正文和所有招標平臺上傳或者今后可以登載的各種規(guī)則、制度及包括鞏固的。所有規(guī)章制度及公告都是本協(xié)議不可分割的一部分,具有與本協(xié)議正文同等的法律效力。用戶承諾在使用招標平臺提供的各種服務的同時,接受并遵守有關規(guī)章制度及公告的規(guī)定。 2. 用戶對新修改的內容有異議的,在履行未完成的責任和義務后,可以停止使用招標平臺提供的服務,申請退出招標平臺。一旦用戶繼續(xù)使用投標平臺提供的服務,就意味著用戶已經接受了修改的內容。用戶與招標平臺之間發(fā)生爭議時,爭議的解決以本協(xié)議的最新版本為準。 3. 在用戶保證、同意注冊賬戶時,其提供的企業(yè)、組織或個人具有法律規(guī)定的完全民事權利能力和民事行為能力,可以獨立承擔民事責任。不具備上述條件的,應當立即終止注冊或者停止使用招標平臺提供的服務。否則,相關法律后果自負。 4. 用戶自愿在平臺上注冊賬號,按照守法和誠信原則使用平臺功能,聲明并保證在平臺進行的商業(yè)行為。不存在任何與不正當競爭、腐敗、商業(yè)賄賂等相關的違反事項,也未有意隱瞞行政處罰、刑事責任或司法紀律檢查部門的調查情況。 5. 招投標平臺發(fā)送給用戶的任何通知都可以通過與平臺相關的網頁、電子郵件、短信或普通信件等任何方式進行,這些通知被視為在發(fā)送之日傳達到用戶。    三、【服務聲明】 1. 本協(xié)議所述服務只在招標平臺有效,服務的具體內容將根據平臺的實際情況提供,平臺方有權隨時調整服務內容,并對任何用戶或第三者不負任何責任。 2. 招投標平臺只提供電子招標等信息化相關服務。此外,與相關服務相關的設備(如電腦、調制解調器及上網相關設備等)和所需的費用(如為上網而支付的電話費、上網費等)都由用戶自己負擔。 3.招投標平臺對其網站上提供的信息及服務有效性、準確性、正確性、可靠性、質量、穩(wěn)定、完整和及時性等均不作承諾和保證。 4.用戶理解并接受任何信息資料的傳輸取決于信息化服務用戶本身并由其承擔系統(tǒng)受損或資料丟失的所有風險和責任。 5.招投標平臺創(chuàng)建單位、運營單位***。 6.本協(xié)議約定之授權為不可撤銷之授權。 四、【用戶的權利義務】 1. 用戶有權使用自己的用戶名和密碼隨時接入招標平臺。有權自行選擇招標平臺提供的各種信息服務。 2. 用戶注冊時要認真填寫合法,真實,正確,有效的信息資料,對所有信息資料的真實性負責。如果用戶資料有任何變動,及時更新并提出審核。否則,產生的所有責任和損失都由用戶自己承擔。 3. 用戶注冊成功后,賬號和密碼由用戶負責保管,不外傳或借用其他單位***。多人使用該賬號時,用戶將加強對用戶的協(xié)助和管理。 4. 賬戶用戶或管理者離職時,必須事先更改密碼,以便離職者不能繼續(xù)使用該賬號或隨意更改密碼。 5. 如果用戶發(fā)現(xiàn)賬戶被他人非法使用,應立即通知招投標平臺。黑客行為或者用戶保管不當導致賬號和密碼被他人非法使用,招投標平臺設立單位,***不承擔任何責任。 6. 通過賬戶在招投標平臺上上傳的文件(如標書,營業(yè)執(zhí)照,法人信息等)和實施的相關行為(如報價***信息修改等)均視為用戶行為,等同于用戶所代表的企業(yè)、組織或個人意志,與簽字蓋章具有同等法律效益,并由用戶承擔相關責任和義務。 7.用戶不得使用同一IP地址***,一經查實,將對相關用戶暫時取消報價***續(xù)處理結束后,視情況決定用戶是否可繼續(xù)使用其帳戶并進行報價***戶在使用本服務的過程中,必須遵守以下原則: (1) 遵守中華人民共和國有關法律、法規(guī); (2) 遵守所有與網絡服務有關的網絡協(xié)議,規(guī)定和程序; (3) 不得為任何非法目的而使用網絡服務系統(tǒng); (4) 不得以任何形式使用招投標平臺服務侵犯招投標平臺的商業(yè)利益,包括并不限于發(fā)布非經招投標平臺許可的商業(yè)廣告; (5) 不得利用招投標平臺服務系統(tǒng)進行任何可能對互聯(lián)網正常運轉造成不利影響的行為; (6) 不得利用招投標平臺提供的服務上傳、展示或傳播任何虛假的、騷擾性的、中傷他人的、辱罵性的、恐嚇性的、庸俗淫穢的或其他任何非法的信息資料; (7) 不得侵犯其他任何第三方的專利權、著作權、商標權、名譽權、隱私、聲譽或其他任何合法權益; (8) 不得利用招投標平臺服務系統(tǒng)進行任何不利于招投標平臺服務的行為; (9) 用戶應對自己發(fā)布的信息負全部責任; (10)不得從事其他違反國家法律法規(guī)禁止性規(guī)定或本協(xié)議約定的行為。 五、【不可抗力及其他免責事由】 1.因不可抗力(包括但不限于自然災害如洪水、地震、瘟疫流行和風暴等以及社會事件如戰(zhàn)爭、動亂、政府行為等)等非招投標平臺能夠控制的異常情況而導致部分或全部活動不能進行的,招投標平臺將努力在第一時間及時進行修復,因不可抗力原因給用戶造成的損失,招投標平臺不承擔任何責任。 2.在法律允許的范圍內,招投標平臺對以下情形導致的服務中斷或受阻不承擔責任,但將盡力減少因此而給您造成的損失和影響: (1)受到計算機病毒、木馬或其他惡意程序、黑客攻擊的破壞; (2)用戶或中心電腦系統(tǒng)硬件、通***路出現(xiàn)故障及因政府管制造成的暫時性在內的任何影響網絡正常運營的因素; (3)需對平臺進行系統(tǒng)維護升級的,在此期間發(fā)生的服務暫停現(xiàn)象。 3.對用戶使用招投標平臺,以及與之相關的任何內容、服務或其他鏈接至其它網站的站點、內容均不作直接、間接、法定、約定的保證,不論是明示的或默示的。 4.無論在任何原因下(包括但不限于疏忽原因),對任何人通過使用本平臺上的信息或由本平臺鏈接的信息,或其他與本平臺鏈接的網站信息所導致的損失或損害(包括直接、間接、特別或后果性的損失或損害,例如收入或利潤之損失、電腦系統(tǒng)之損壞或數(shù)據丟失等后果),責任均由用戶自行承擔(包括但不限于疏忽責任)。 5.招投標平臺可以刪除站內各類不符合法律政策或不真實的信息內容而無須通知用戶。 6.若用戶未遵守本協(xié)議第四條規(guī)定,招投標平臺有權中斷或終止向用戶提供服務,有權做出獨立判斷并采取暫?;蛸~號等措施,且無須通知或取得用戶同意,并無需對用戶或任何第三方承擔任何責任。 六、【隱私聲明】 1.尊重用戶隱私是招投標平臺的一項基本原則。招投標平臺承諾不會公開用戶保存在網站上的非公開內容,不將用戶數(shù)據做任何與本協(xié)議約定服務無關的用途。除非有法律許可、要求或在以下三種情況發(fā)生時,招投標平臺認為透露這些內容是必要的: (1)遵從招投標平臺合法服務程序; (2)法律法規(guī)規(guī)定必要時必須為第三方提供的; (3)在緊急情況下,為保護招投標平臺和全體用戶利益和公眾安全。 2.用戶注冊資料: (1)“用戶資料”包括用戶在注冊、購買招標文件、投標、建項、編制招標文件、答疑、澄清、開標、評標、定標、異議、投訴等過程中,以任何網絡形式向招投標平臺傳送的任何資料,包括數(shù)據、文本、照片、圖畫、影像、詞句或其他材料。用戶應對“用戶資料”負全部責任,倘若招投標平臺認為“用戶資料”違背中華人民共和國法律、法規(guī)等規(guī)范性文件;社會公共利益或***道德;本協(xié)議及相關規(guī)則,可能使招投標平臺承擔任何法***道義上的責任,則招投標平臺可自行全權決定對“用戶資料”采取平臺認為必要或適當?shù)娜魏涡袆?,包括但不限于刪除該類資料。用戶特此保證,用戶對提交給平臺的“用戶資料”擁有全部合法權利。 (2)用戶不得對本服務任何部分或本服務之使用或獲得的信息,進行復制、拷貝、出售、轉售或用于任何其它商業(yè)目的。 (3)招投標平臺跟蹤IP地址***。如果沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)任何問題,將及時刪除收集到的IP地址。 3.外部鏈接:招投標平臺含有到其他網站的鏈接,鏈接網站或資源上提供的任何內容、宣傳、產品或服務與本網站無關,招投標平臺對該等網站的隱私保護措施不負任何責任。 七、【其他】 1.本協(xié)議的訂立、執(zhí)行和解釋及爭議的解決均應適用在中華人民共和國大***區(qū)適用之有效法律(但不包括其沖突法規(guī)則);如法律無相關規(guī)定的,參照商業(yè)慣例及/或行業(yè)慣例。如發(fā)生本協(xié)議與適用之法律相抵觸時,則這些條款將完全按法律規(guī)定重新解釋,而其他有效條款繼續(xù)有效。 2.如果本協(xié)議中任何一條被視為廢止、無效或因任何理由不可執(zhí)行,該條應視為可分的且并不影響任何其余條款的有效性和可執(zhí)行性。除另行明確聲明外,任何使服務范圍擴大或功能增強的新內容均受本協(xié)議約束。 3.如用戶與招投標平臺就本協(xié)議內容或其執(zhí)行發(fā)生任何爭議,雙方應盡力友好協(xié)商解決;協(xié)商不成時,***注冊所在地法院提起仲裁或訴訟。 4.招投標平臺尊重用戶的合法權利,本協(xié)議及招投標平臺上發(fā)布的各類規(guī)則、聲明等其他內容,均是為了更好地、更加便利地為用戶提供服務。 5.***。 6.用戶勾選本協(xié)議的“我已閱讀并同意《華新水泥供應商管理系統(tǒng)網上招投標平臺用戶服務協(xié)議》”后即視為完全接受本協(xié)議內容,在點擊之前請再次確認已知悉并充分理解本協(xié)議的全部內容,如果用戶對本協(xié)議的任何條款有異議,可選擇不注冊成為招投標平臺的用戶。 Supplier Service Agreement Dear Platform User: The Huaxin Cement Supplier Management System Online Bidding Platform (hereinafter referred to as the Bidding Platform) is established by Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd., committed to providing users with information services including but not limited to online bidding. You can access the platform at http***em.com/#/. If you intend to use the Bidding Platform, please carefully read this agreement before accessing, registering, and using it. If you have any questions about the agreement, feel free to contact the platform. If you do not raise any questions, we will consider that you have fully understood and accepted all the contents of this agreement. I. [General Provisions of the Agreement] 1. This agreement is concluded between the user and Huaxin Cement Supplier Management System Online Bidding Platform, created by Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd., and has contractual effect. 2. After successful registration, the user is responsible for the custody of their account and password; the user shall bear legal responsibility for all activities and consequences conducted under their account, and any disputes arising therefrom shall have nothing to do with the platform. 3. Unless otherwise explicitly stated, the Bidding Platform is the unified bidding platform of Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd., for Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd. and its affiliated units to complete related procurement and bidding business with suppliers on the platform. The specific transaction parties shall bear their respective responsibilities and obligations in the transaction. If the user does not agree to the terms of this agreement, the user should immediately stop the registration process or stop using the Huaxin Cement Supplier Management System Online Bidding Platform services. Only when the user fully agrees to this agreement and the site"s regulations can they have the right to use the related services of this site. II. [Acknowledgment of Terms] 1. The terms and conditions interpreted in this agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Terms") are used to provide services to users of the bidding platform. The terms apply to the main text of this agreement and all rules, systems, and announcements that can be uploaded or will be uploaded to the bidding platform in the future. All rules, systems, and announcements are an inseparable part of this agreement and have the same legal effect as the main text of this agreement. The user promises to accept and comply with the provisions of the relevant rules, systems, and announcements while using various services provided by the bidding platform. 2. If the user has objections to the newly modified content, they can stop using the services provided by the bidding platform after fulfilling the uncompleted responsibilities and obligations, and apply to exit the bidding platform. Once the user continues to use the services provided by the bidding platform, it means that the user has accepted the modified content. In case of disputes between the user and the bidding platform, the resolution of disputes shall be based on the latest version of this agreement. 3. The user guarantees and agrees that the enterprise, organization, or individual registered at the time of registration has the full civil capacity and civil capacity for action stipulated by law and can independently bear civil responsibility. If not, they should immediately terminate registration or stop using the services provided by the bidding platform. Otherwise, the user shall bear the legal consequences. 4. The user voluntarily registers an account on the platform, uses the platform functions in accordance with the law and in good faith, and declares and guarantees that there are no violations related to unfair competition, corruption, commercial bribery, etc., in the commercial activities conducted on the platform, and that they have not intentionally concealed the investigation situations of administrative penalties, criminal responsibilities, or judicial discipline inspection departments. 5. Any notice sent by the bidding platform to the user can be carried out through any means related to the platform, such as web pages, email, SMS, or regular mail, and these notices are deemed to have reached the user on the day of sending. III. [Service Statement] 1. The services described in this agreement are only valid on the bidding platform, and the specific content of the services will be provided according to the actual situation of the platform. The platform has the right to adjust the service content at any time and is not responsible to any user or third party. 2. The Bidding Platform only provides electronic bidding and other related information services. In addition, the equipment related to the related services (such as computers, modems, and internet-related equipment, etc.) and the required expenses (such as telephone charges and internet fees for accessing the internet, etc.) are borne by the user themselves. 3. The Bidding Platform does not make any commitment or guarantee regarding the validity, accuracy, correctness, reliability, quality, stability, completeness, and timeliness of the information and services provided on its website. 4. Users understand and accept that the transmission of any information depends on the information service user itself and bears all risks and responsibilities for system damage or data loss. 5. The Bidding Platform"s creator, operator, and its affiliated units do not make any explicit or implied commitments or guarantees for the commercial process between users of electronic bidding and other information services. 6. The authorization agreed upon in this agreement is irrevocable. IV. [Rights and Obligations of Users] 1. Users have the right to access the Bidding Platform at any time using their own username and password. They have the right to choose from the various information services provided by the Bidding Platform. 2. When registering, users must carefully fill in legal, true, correct, and valid information and are responsible for the truthfulness of all information. If there are any changes in the user"s information, they should update and request review in a timely manner. Otherwise, all responsibilities and losses arising shall be borne by the user themselves. 3. After successful registration, the account and password are the responsibility of the user to keep, not to be shared or lent to other units for use. When multiple people use the same account, the account user has to strengthen assistance and management for the account. 4. When an account user or administrator leaves the job, they must change the password in advance to prevent the leaver from continuing to use the account or arbitrarily changing the password. 5. If the user discovers that their account has been illegally used by others, they should immediately notify the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform"s establishment unit, operation unit, and affiliated companies do not bear any responsibility for hacking or user negligence leading to the illegal use of accounts and passwords. 6. Files uploaded to the Bidding Platform through the account (such as tender documents, business licenses, legal person information, etc.) and related actions (such as bidding, tendering, information modification, etc.) are considered user actions, equivalent to the will of the enterprise, organization, or individual represented by the user, and have the same legal effect as signing and sealing, and the user bears the corresponding responsibilities and obligations. 7. Users are not allowed to log in with two or more user accounts using the same IP address. If found, the related users will be temporarily disqualified from bidding, and after subsequent processing, it will be decided whether the user can continue to use their account and make bids. 8. Users must comply with the following principles during the use of this service: (1) Comply with relevant laws and regulations of the People"s Republic of China; (2) Comply with all network protocols, regulations, and procedures related to network services; (3) Do not use the network service system for any illegal purposes; (4) Do not use the Bidding Platform service to infringe on the commercial interests of the Bidding Platform, including but not limited to publishing commercial advertisements without permission from the Bidding Platform; (5) Do not engage in any behavior that may adversely affect the normal operation of the Internet; (6) Do not use the Bidding Platform service to upload, display, or disseminate any false, harassing, defamatory, insulting, threatening, vulgar, obscene, or any other illegal information; (7) Do not infringe on any third party"s patent rights, copyright, trademark rights, reputation, privacy, or any other legal rights and interests; (8) Do not engage in any behavior that is detrimental to the Bidding Platform service; (9) Users are fully responsible for the information they post; (10) Do not engage in any other activities that violate national laws and regulations or the provisions of this agreement. V. [Force Majeure and Other Exemptions] 1. In the event of force majeure (including but not limited to natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, epidemics, storms, and social events such as wars, riots, and government actions), which are beyond the control of the Bidding Platform, resulting in partial or complete inability to carry out activities, the Bidding Platform will strive to repair in a timely manner. The Bidding Platform shall not bear any responsibility for losses caused to users due to force majeure. 2. Within the scope permitted by law, the Bidding Platform shall not be liable for service interruptions or hindrances caused by the following circumstances, but will make efforts to minimize the losses and impacts caused to you: (1) Destruction caused by computer viruses, Trojan horses, or other malicious programs, or hacker attacks; (2) Hardware failures of the user"s or central computer system, communication line failures, and any factors affecting the normal operation of the network due to government regulations, including temporary closures; (3) Service suspensions that occur during system maintenance and upgrades on the platform. 3. The Bidding Platform does not make any direct, indirect, statutory, or contractual guarantees, whether express or implied, for any content, services, or other links to other websites related to the user"s use of the Bidding Platform. 4. Regardless of any cause (including but not limited to negligence), the Bidding Platform shall not be responsible for any loss or damage (including direct, indirect, special, or consequential losses or damages, such as loss of income or profit, damage to computer systems, or data loss) caused to any person through the use of information on this platform or information linked from this platform, or other websites linked to this platform. The responsibility shall be borne by the user (including but not limited to negligence). 5. The Bidding Platform may delete any content on the site that does not comply with legal policies or is not true without notifying the user. 6. If the user does not comply with the provisions of Section Four of this agreement, the Bidding Platform has the right to interrupt or terminate the provision of services to the user, has the right to make independent judgments, and may take measures such as suspending or closing the account, without the need to notify or obtain the user"s consent, and shall not bear any responsibility to the user or any third party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to disclose any non-public content saved by users on the website, and will not use user data for any purposes unrelated to the services agreed upon in this agreement. Unless legally permitted, required, or in the following three situations where the Bidding Platform deems it necessary to disclose such content: (1) To comply with the legal service procedures of the Bidding Platform; (2) When it is necessary to provide to third parties as required by laws and regulations; (3) In emergency situations, to protect the interests of the Bidding Platform and all users, and public safety. 2. User Registration Information: (1) "User Information" includes any information, including data, text, photos, drawings, images, phrases, or other materials, transmitted to the Bidding Platform in any form during the process of registration, purchasing bidding documents, bidding, project establishment, preparation of bidding documents, answering questions, clarification, opening bids, bid evaluation, bid determination, objections, and complaints. The user shall be fully responsible for the "User Information". If the Bidding Platform deems that the "User Information" violates the laws, regulations, and normative documents of the People"s Republic of China; public interest or public morality; this agreement and related rules, which may cause the Bidding Platform to bear any legal or moral responsibility, the Bidding Platform may independently decide to take any action it deems necessary or appropriate to the "User Information", including but not limited to deleting such information. The user hereby guarantees that they have all legal rights to the "User Information" submitted to the platform. (2) The user shall not copy, duplicate, sell, resell, or use any part of this service or the information obtained from this service for any other commercial purposes. (3) The Bidding Platform tracks IP addresses solely for the necessity of fairness, justice, and security. If no issues are found, the collected IP addresses will be deleted promptly. 3. External Links: The Bidding Platform contains links to other websites. Any content, promotion, products, or services provided on the linked websites or resources are not related to this website, and the Bidding Platform shall not be responsible for the privacy protection measures of such websites. VII. [Miscellaneous] 1. The establishment, execution, interpretation, and dispute resolution of this agreement shall be governed by the effective laws applicable in the mainland of the People"s Republic of China (excluding its conflict of law rules); if there are no relevant legal provisions, commercial practices and/or industry practices shall be referred to. In the event of any conflict between this agreement and the applicable law, such provisions shall be interpreted in accordance with the law, and the other valid provisions shall remain effective. 2. If any provision of this agreement is deemed void, invalid, or unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any other provisions. Unless otherwise expressly stated, any new content that expands or enhances the scope of services shall be subject to this agreement. 3. In the event of any dispute arising from the content or execution of this agreement between the user and the Bidding Platform, both parties shall make efforts to resolve the dispute amicably through negotiation; if negotiation fails, either party may initiate arbitration or litigation in the court where Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd. is registered. 4. The Bidding Platform respects the legitimate rights of users. The agreement and various rules, statements, and other content published on the Bidding Platform are all intended to better and more conveniently provide services to users. 5. The right to modify and interpret this agreement belongs to Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd., the creator of the Bidding Platform. 6. By clicking the box for "I have read and agree to the "Huaxin Cement Supplier Management System Online Bidding Platform User Service Agreement"" in this agreement, the user is deemed to have fully accepted the content of this agreement. Please confirm that you have read and fully understood all the contents of this agreement before clicking, and if the user has any objections to any terms of this agreement, they may choose not to register as a user of the Bidding Platform.











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  • 信息定制
  • 項目跟進
  • 業(yè)主庫
  • 設計單位
  • 收藏信息














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