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浦***區(qū)青少年活動中心管弦樂團基地學校梯隊培訓項目(新開展學校)的公開招標公告 項目概況 Overview 浦***區(qū)青少年活動中心管弦樂團基地學校梯隊培訓項目(新開展學校)招標項目的潛在投標人應(yīng)在***市政府采購網(wǎng)獲取招標文件,并于******月***日 10:30(北京時間)前遞交投標文件。 Potential bidders for Pudong New District Youth Activity Center Orchestra Base School Echelon Training Project (Newly Developed School) should obtain the tender documents from ( Shanghai City Government Procurement Network)and submit the bid document before 18th 11 2024 at 10.30am(Beijing time) . 一、項目基本情況 1. Basic Information 項目編號***No.: ***0-*** 項目名稱:浦***區(qū)青少年活動中心管弦樂團基地學校梯隊培訓項目(新開展學校) Project Name: Pudong New District Youth Activity Center Orchestra Base School Echelon Training Project (Newly Developed School) 預算編號***算金額***元(國庫資***元;自***元) Budget Amount(Yuan): ***(國庫資***元;自***元) 最高限價*******元 Maximum Price(Yuan): Package No.1 for ***.00 Yuan, 采購需求: Procurement Requirements: 包名稱:浦***區(qū)青少年活動中心管弦樂團基地學校梯隊培訓項目(新開展學校) Package Name: Pudong New District Youth Activity Center Orchestra Base School Echelon Training Project (Newly Developed School) 數(shù)量:1 Quantity: 1 預算金額*****.00 Budget Amount(Yuan): ***.00 簡要規(guī)格描述或項目基本概況介紹、用途:為進一步提升中心管弦樂團的辦團質(zhì)量,確保樂團持續(xù)長效發(fā)展,并以點帶面,推***區(qū)中小學校西樂教育的深入開展,確***區(qū)學校藝術(shù)教育尤其是西樂教育繼續(xù)保持***市上游水平,活動中心根***區(qū)學校藝術(shù)教育發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀及發(fā)展要求,謀篇布局,確立兩所新開展西樂教育的學校為中心管弦樂團的西樂基地學校。本項目為非預留份額的采購項目。具體項目內(nèi)容、采購范圍及所應(yīng)達到的具體要求,以招標文件***。 Brief specification description or basic overview of the project: In order to further improve the quality of the Central Orchestra, ensure the sustained and long-term development of the Orchestra, promote the in-depth development of Western Music Education in primary and secondary schools in the whole region, and ensure that the art education in schools in the whole region, especially Western Music Education, continues to be maintained at the upper level of the whole city, the Activity Center plans the layout of articles according to the current situation and development requirements of art education in schools in the whole region, and establishes two schools newly carrying out Western Music Education as the Western Music Base Schools of the Central Orchestra. This project is a procurement project without reserved shares. Specific project content, procurement scope and specific requirements to be met shall be subject to the corresponding provisions of the bidding documents. 合同履約期限:自合同簽訂之日起一年 The Contract Period: one year from the date of signing the contract. 本項目(否)接受聯(lián)合體投標。 Joint Bids: (NO)Available. 二、申請人的資格要求 2. Qualification Requirements for Bidder (a)滿足《中華人民共和國政府采購法》第二十二條規(guī)定; (a)Meet the provisions of Article 22 of the "Government Procurement Law of the People"s Republic of China"; (b)落實政府采購政策需滿足的資格要求:無 (b)Qualification requirements to be met to implement government procurement policies: None. (c)本項目的特定資格要求: (3)單位***、管理關(guān)系的不同供應(yīng)商,不得參加同一合同項下的政府采購活動;為采購項目提供整體設(shè)計、規(guī)范編制或者項目管理、監(jiān)理、檢測等服務(wù)的供應(yīng)商,不得再參加該采購項目的其他采購活動。 (4)法人依法設(shè)立并領(lǐng)取營業(yè)執(zhí)照的分支機構(gòu)***。法人與其分支機構(gòu)***。 (5)其他特定資格條件:投標人須持有教育局頒發(fā)的辦學許可證。 (c)Specific qualification requirements for this program: (3) The person in charge of the unit is the same person or different suppliers with direct holding and management relationship shall not participate in government procurement activities under the same contract; suppliers providing overall design, specification preparation or project management, supervision and testing services for procurement projects shall not participate in other procurement activities of the procurement project. (4) A branch established by a legal person according to law and licensed to participate in government procurement activities shall be authorized by its legal person. A legal person and its branches or different branches belonging to the same legal person shall not participate in government procurement activities under the same contract. (5) Other specific qualifications: Bidders must hold a school permit issued by the Education Bureau. (i)符合《中華人民共和國政府采購法》第二十二條的規(guī)定; (i)Comply with the provisions of Article 22 of the"Government Procurement Law of the People"s Republic of China"; (ii)未被“信用中國”(www***)、中國政府采購網(wǎng)(www***)列入失信被執(zhí)行人、重大稅收違法案件當事人名單、政府采購嚴重違法失信行為記錄名單; (ii)Not included in the list of dishonest persons subject to enforcement, the list of parties to major tax violation cases, or the list of records of serious illegal and dishonestacts in government procurement by "Credit China" (www***), China Government Procurement Network (www***) ; 三、獲取招標文件 3. Acquisition of Tender Documents 時間:******月***日至******月***日,每天上午***,下午***(北京時間,法定節(jié)假日除外) Time: Tender documents may be obtained between 00:00:00am to 23:59:59pm from ******月***日 until 31th 10 2024.(Beijing time, excluding statutory holidays) 地點:***市政府采購網(wǎng) Place: www*** 方式:網(wǎng)上獲取 To Obtain: Online Purchase 售價*** Price of Tender Documents(Yuan): 0 四、提交投標文件截止時間***、開標時間和地點 4. Bid Submission 提交投標文件截止時間***:******月***日 10:30(北京時間) Deadline date submission of bids: 18th 11 2024 at 10.30am(Beijing Time) 投標地點:(電子投標文件)***市政府采購網(wǎng)(http***gov.cn);(紙質(zhì)投標文件)浦***區(qū)新***路100弄7號地緯生活廣場租售中***樓4011會議室 Place of submission of bid documents: (electronic bidding documents) Shanghai City government procurement website(http***gov.cn);(paper bidding documents)Conference Room 4011, 4th Floor, Diwei Life Plaza Rental and Sales Center, Lane 7, Xinde West Road, Pudong New District 開標時間:******月***日 10:30 Time of Bid Opening***0 開標地點:浦***區(qū)新***路100弄7號地緯生活廣場租售中***樓4011會議室 Place of Bid Opening: Place: Room 4011, Floor 4, Diwei Life Plaza Rental and Sales Center, Lane 100, Xinde West Road, Pudong New District 五、公告期限 5. Notice Period 自本公告發(fā)布之日起5個工作日。 5 business days from the date of publication of this tender notice. 六、其他補充事宜 6. Other Supplementary Matters 1、開標所需攜帶其他材料:攜帶可以上網(wǎng)的筆記本電腦、數(shù)字證書(CA證書)。 2、本公告如有中、英文不一致之處,以中文為準。 The English translation of this document is for reference only, and the Chinese version shall be authentic and prevail in case of divergence. 1. Other materials required for bid opening: notebook computer with Internet access and digital certificate (CA certificate). 2. In case of any inconsistency between the Chinese and English versions of this announcement, the Chinese version shall prevail. The English translation of this document is for reference only, and the Chinese version shall be authentic and prevail in case of divergence. / 七、對本次采購提出詢問,請按以下方式聯(lián)系 7. Contact Details (a)采購人信息 (a)Purchasers 名 稱:***市浦***區(qū)青少年活動中心 Name: Shanghai City Pudong New District Youth Activity Center 地 址:浦***區(qū)***路2769號 Address: No. 2769 Jinxiu Road, Pudong New District 聯(lián)系人:[采購人聯(lián)系人] Contact: [EN-采購人聯(lián)系人] 聯(lián)系方式:*** Contact Information***(b)采購代理機構(gòu)*** (b)Procurement Agency 名 稱:*** Name: Shanghai Shefa Project Management Service Co., Ltd. 地 址:***區(qū)***路652號興城商務(wù)廣場A座305室 Address: Room 305, Block A, Xingcheng Business Plaza, No. 646 Qishen Road, Minhang District, Shanghai City 聯(lián)系方式:****806 Contact Information: ****806 (c)項目聯(lián)系方式 (c)Project Contact 項目聯(lián)系人***Contact: Li Jiaying 電 話:****806 Tel: ****806 本公告信息如有中、英文不一致,以中文為準。 The English translation of this document is for reference only, and the Chinese version shall be authentic and prevail in case of dispute. 建議您使用電腦訪問,以體驗更好的閱讀效果。



